Unique Polymer Engineering pathway available at Edinburgh International College
17 November 2015
Edinburgh International College have announced that students who enrol on the BEng (Hons) Polymer Engineering pathway from February 2016 will progress to the 2nd year of the full course at Edinburgh Napier University in September.
Edinburgh Napier is the only UK university offering this unique degree and it is professionally accredited by Engineering Technology (IET) and The Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining (IOM). The plastics industry is one of the most innovative and rapidly growing industries worldwide, and Edinburgh graduates have gone on to work in areas such as aerospace, healthcare and packaging. Edinburgh Napier University is the ‘National Centre for Education & Training’ in Polymer processing .
Edinburgh Napier is ranked in the top 20 for graduate employability in the UK, offering students excellent summer internship opportunities and practical lab classes. 93% of students are in work or further study within six months of graduating.
If you want to learn more about Edinburgh Napier University and the BEng (Hons) Polymer Engineering programme, arrange a free consultation today.